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Know About The Flexibility Granted To Onshore International Students To Work In Health Sector

student visa

Due to the sudden surge of Covid19 cases in New Zealand, followed by a nationwide lockdown and changing alert levels, the pressure on essential services has increased. To ease the pressure, the New Zealand Government has decided to ease visa conditions which will allow international students to help the NZ healthcare sector.

This change will benefit healthcare providers and will ensure that they have sufficient workers every time an area of New Zealand is put under Covid 19 alert level 3 or 4. After this point, the original visa conditions will apply.

These measures will exist only till 31 December 2023 due to the uncertainty of the Delta variant.

The flexible visa conditions will apply to student visa holders and those interim visa holders who held a student visa immediately before the interim visa who wish to undertake employment as a critical health worker in an area under covid-19 alert level 3 or 4.

The flexible conditions include:


  • Undertaking roles outside the general position description in the healthcare sector and having the ability to work increased hours. This is provided you were employed in that role before the covid alert levels changed.


  • Undertaking roles administering covid-19 tests or vaccinations during this period as long as you have the required certification to do so and regardless of your employment status before the alert levels changed.

Critical healthcare workers and their employers affected by this change do not need to apply for a Variation of Condition (VOC) to amend visas. Workers who meet the specific requirements will automatically benefit from the changes.

Get in touch with Immigration Advisors New Zealand Ltd, which provides up-to-date immigration information so you can consider opportunities and prepare yourself for the future. To know all the required procedures, contact us at contact@nzimmigration.info or call on +64 09 3790219.


Author Details

immigration consultant hamilton

Vandana Rai

(LIA 201400900)

Vandana Rai is a Senior Licensed Immigration Adviser and has built a reputation around her rare set of skills, which could be considered ideal for her legal profession.

Student Visa

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