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Variation of Conditions on A New Zealand Visa Label

Variation of Conditions on A New Zealand Visa Label

Visa conditions, i.e. stipulations, are mentioned on the visa label when a visa is issued. These visa conditions have to be adhered to in letter and spirit. However, in some instances, Immigration New Zealand (INZ) allows a variation of these conditions after issuing a visa.

This blog provides more information about the Variation of Conditions.

What is the meaning of Variation of Conditions?

If you have been issued a work, student or visitor visa and the visa conditions no longer suit you, you can apply for a Variation of Conditions.

Temporary visas such as work, student or visitor visas have certain conditions listed on the visa that instruct the visa holder what they are allowed to do while holding the visa.

Examples of conditions -studying a particular course, studying in a specific institute, working for a particular employer, working part-time only while studying etc.

If there is a change in your circumstances, you can apply for a change in the visa conditions. However, you cannot apply for a Variation of Conditions in all situations. Sometimes, you may have to apply for a new visa altogether.

Changing the conditions of a Visitor Visa

Visitor Visas have conditions are rules related to studying, working and travelling in & out of New Zealand. Even if the conditions are changed, the visa will still expire on the same day. You can apply for a variation of conditions if you want to study part-time or want to do certain seasonal work.

Changing the conditions of a Student Visa

You can change the conditions of your student visa if you want to change your education provider or the location where you are studying. In some cases, you have to change your visa in order to work. Depending on certain factors, INZ may approve your change your course, education provider or location of study.

However, if you hold a Pathway Student Visa and want to change your education provider, then you will have to apply for a brand-new Student Visa.

Changing the conditions of a Work Visa

Some Work Visas come with open conditions that allow you to work in any profession for any employer anywhere in New Zealand. Conversely, some Work Visas come with conditions that restrict you to working for a particular employer, in a particular role and in a particular location.

  • If you hold an Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) or an Essential Skills Work Visa, you can change your employer, job, location or a combination of these.
  • If you hold a Post Study Work Visa – Employer Assisted or applied for one before 26 November 2018, you can choose to have the job, location and employer removed. This will then allow you to work for any employer.
  • If you hold a Talent Accredited Employer Work Visa, you can apply to change your job or employer.

Do you want to change your visa conditions?

Get in touch with Immigration Advisors New Zealand Ltd, which provides up-to-date immigration information so you can consider opportunities and prepare yourself for the future. To know all the required procedures, contact us at contact@nzimmigration.info or call on +64 09 3790219.

Source: Link 1   Link 2    Link 3   Link 4

Author Details

immigration consultant hamilton

Vandana Rai

(LIA 201400900)

Vandana Rai is a Senior Licensed Immigration Adviser and has built a reputation around her rare set of skills, which could be considered ideal for her legal profession.

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