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Working Holiday Visa Changes for UK Citizens

Working Holiday Visa Changes for UK Citizens

Immigration New Zealand (INZ) has announced changes to the New Zealand Working Holiday Scheme effective from 1 July 2023. The changes will allow UK citizens can travel and work in New Zealand for a longer duration. This is a positive development for New Zealand and British citizens wanting to work and explore New Zealand, as well as for businesses who hire them.

Main changes for UK citizens from 1 July 2023 –

  • WHV will be available to individuals aged 18-35 years. Currently, its available only for the 18-30 age group
  • WHV holders will be entitled to up to a three-year stay in New Zealand. It is currently 23 months for UK WHS visa holders.
  • UK WHV holders can work for the full duration of their visa.
  • There will be an annual cap of 15,000 for this visa. There is currently no cap for UK nationals.

More information about the WHV for UK travellers can be found here.

Medicals & Police Clearance Certificates

For stays over 12 months, UK WHV visa applicants must submit a medical and chest x-ray certificate. More information about WHV medical requirements can be found here.

If the planned stay is 36 months, police certificates will also be required. Information about who must provide a police clearance certificate can be found here.

Impact on current UKWHV holders

Current UK WHV can extend their stay and apply for the three-year maximum stay. This extension will enable them to work and remain in New Zealand for the rest of their stay.

Current UK WHS visa holders will have to provide a medical and x-ray certificate and police certificates to support their application in case they haven’t done so already.

More information about the changes will be announced closer to July.

Get in touch with Immigration Advisors New Zealand Ltd, which provides up-to-date immigration information so you can consider opportunities and prepare yourself for the future. To know all the required procedures, contact us at contact@nzimmigration.info or call on +64 09 3790219.

Author Details

immigration consultant hamilton

Vandana Rai

(LIA 201400900)

Vandana Rai is a Senior Licensed Immigration Adviser and has built a reputation around her rare set of skills, which could be considered ideal for her legal profession.

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