Are you an international student looking to gain work experience and supplement your funds while studying in New Zealand? If so, you’re in luck! Under certain circumstances, student visa holders may be eligible for part-time and/or full-time work (during scheduled vacations), or to meet course requirements for practical work experience. In this guide, we will look at how you can apply for a variation of conditions to request the work rights be added to your visa. We will also discuss how it is possible for students to work in New Zealand after they have completed their studies.
If you are an international student who has been granted a student visa, it is important that you check your visa conditions and determine if it allows you to work. If your current student visa does not allow you to work, but your circumstances make you eligible for these work rights, you may apply for a variation of conditions (VoC) to request the necessary changes be added to the visa label. To do this, contact us at and we can walk through the process with you.
It may also be possible for international students to continue working in New Zealand after they have completed their studies. Certain courses may mean that students are eligible for a post-study work visa up to three years after completion of their studies. The length of time and type of course studied makes you eligible or ineligible for post study work visa rights. If you are unsure about it, please get in touch with us so that we can assess your eligibility.
Gaining valuable employment experience while studying abroad is a great way to expand your skillset, supplement your income, and help build towards future career goals. So if you are an international student studying in New Zealand who is interested in exploring these opportunities, then make sure to contact us at so that we can check whether or not you meet the eligibility criteria for post-study work visa! We would love to assist with any questions or queries that may arise when starting out on this journey! Good luck!
Vandana Rai is a Senior Licensed Immigration Adviser and has built a reputation around her rare set of skills, which could be considered ideal for her legal profession.